School-Student Directions
I can help provide in-depth, comprehensive information and advice relating to the subject choices for senior studies. We can discuss content, assessment and study requirements for the Stage 6 HSC and VET courses and University and College requirements. I can facilitate investigating choices for life after school, and matching interests and passions for future career and tertiary choices.
Post-School Directions
I can provide you with course directions and tertiary options, if you are on the wrong path. I can help you with your investigations and planning and create strategies to secure future employment.

Mock Interviews and Interview Technique
I can help you create the best impressions and put your best self forward for the interviewing process. Whether this is for scholarships, internships, jobs or promotions, learn how to interview with ease. I will advise you on your communication skills and the fundamentals of interview technique to showcase your best skillset.
Career Changes
If you are returning to work after a period of time off, or about to embark on a career change, we can discuss your strategy of return. I can help you with your retraining plans, acquiring new skills , connections and goals. We can create a strategy that gives you confidence to make these bold moves.